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Business Connectivity

Mac Desktop


Single Order Generic Ethernet Access - historically a telephone line installation would have been needed to deliver ADSL or Fibre connections to the business, however, SOGEA allows for the connectivity installation without the phone line creating benefits such as improved completion times, competitive pricing whilst future-proofing the connection.


With our digital world becoming more and more cloud-based, the need for dedicated fibre optic lines straight to your business premises providing 100% capacity is becoming more and more popular 


Leased line speeds, only over the air instead of under the ground. Our managed service cellular connectivity gives you peace of mind to ensure a reliable and fast connection and can be expedited for a super quick installation - an ideal option for rural remote locations, and a permanent onsite disaster recovery solution.

We all know how important a stable and fast connection to the outside world is to a business. With multiple options available delivering different capabilities and in a world where options are always changing, it’s important to have a partner who offers solid advice and numerous options to fulfil the needs of your business.


We make it our mission to foresee and envision where the technology advancements are going, as a result, we are always on hand to provide solutions and innovations to improve the way your business communications reliably.


With the phase-out of copper-wired ADSL services in 2025, there is real importance on businesses 'being ready' to utilise the faster speeds of full fibre solutions

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